Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Tiger Topper

You might ask what this post is all about.....well, we'll start with telling you it's about building a new tree fort. Logan refused my offer to tag all of the pics so I'll begin and he'll edit as needed!

The project took alot of designing, blueprint drawing.....and thinking! Grampa and Logan did 99.9% of all of the work in 85 plus degrees and some very windy days. I think there were only 2 or 3 trips to the Hardware store plus we did get to use up some recycled wood that has been stored under the deck!

This is day 1...Logan decked out in his tree fort building duds!

The grouping of shag bark junipers needed to be trimmed to get the new, improved, larger tree fort to fit. (This was the same tree that Brent has his fort a few years ago but he'll say his was not near as elaborate!)

One sacrificed branch.

The first beam gets positioned!

Here comes the base!

Logan was a great helper. Dil assisted "on occasion".

Getting there!

Rest period. The floor is well nailed....with the nail gun.

Three little daring birdies perched on their new fort floor.

Work, work, work!

Wall #1.

Wall #2.

Wall #3.

Wall #4.

Popsicle time out.

Oh, Oh. Poor tree is loosing more limbs.

It's a crazy idea to put the "not needed pick up topper" on the top of the tree house but it's one way to put it to use (since we haven't been able to sell it the last couple of years for a mere $25.00. Can we really get it up where it's new home is going to be?

Logan and I got nominated to get up IN the fort and help PULL the topper up the ladder, while Gramps PUSHED!

Whew! Got that sucker up there without any major issues!

Logan checking out the new trap door!

And that's me surveying how I'm going to get down to the ground!

What comes up must come down!

The topper is waiting for it's final positioning!

Gotta get working on the sign.

Dev even participated in fine left-handed style!

The boys mascot at school is the tiger so this was one of the choices that organizer Logan came up. We each had to vote.

Then we had to vote on the color. I guess Dev is one who suggested orange (one of the few colors he knows!) Allis Chalmers orange was chosen to go along with the tiger theme!

Dil even climbed the ladder to brush on a few strokes.

And now the sign is proudly displayed!

A little more painting and it will be ready for an overnighter soon!

Dev is practicing climbing in. Right now he needs some assistance but he's close to mastering it by himself (although we don't trust him yet!)

Hopefully the Tiger Topper will provide many hours of future fun for the boys!

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