Monday, October 31, 2011

Rest of Iowa visit- part 3

When I ended my last post I alluded to "we'd see what happened next." Well, alot happened!
But first...

Here's mom and dad at the Red Lobster in LaCrosse celebrating their 63rd wedding anniversary on Sept 7th.

So here's some of what happened next. We extended our Iowa visit because mom ended up having mitral valve surgery. After we left JB's sisters we drove to the Goose Island county park south of LaCrosse, WI anticipating that mom would have surgery in the next couple days.

The park is on the back waters of the Mississippi River.

One day we went shopping and found this sign. Every major retailer should provide for their senior citizens, don't ya think?

Once mom made up her mind to go ahead with the surgery, she had to have two tests to verify the extent of the failure of the mitral valve. My sister, Peg, mom and dad picked me up on their way to the appointment in LaCrosse. We figured it would take most of the day for the tests and the results so JB stayed in the RV and watched the scenery. We put mom in a wheelchair and dad in a wheelchair (he could walk by himself but it was a long ways to the cath lab) and off we went with the volunteer. During one of the tests my sister got a horrendous migraine so she "hung out" in the waiting room most of the day. I should say she "laid around". Poor thing. She was sicker than a dog and had the volunteer rather worried. I checked on her several times and relayed updates to her. The volunteer came to get me twice PLUS security came looking for me at one point, asking what was the story behind my sister. Maybe they thought she was a transient, wanting a place to sleep, I don't know but I was rather stressed!

So we get the news that the surgeon will go ahead with the surgery but since it's not considered an emergency the surgery will be in 2 weeks...Oct 6th. Not ideal but I did my best to try to get the date moved up. Didn't work. Now it was time to get everyone back to the car. This time Peg was also in a wheelchair so I had 3 invalids to transport. Needless to say I asked for some help. I had to be laughing at this point cuz the situation was so unreal. Also needless to say I was now the designated driver to take them home 50 miles so we stopped at the campground so I could get a few things and off we went. JB proceeded to drive back to Iowa the next day....with a bat inside the coach. (Glad I missed that ordeal!)

So now the wait for surgery. We decided to stay the extra time, even though JB would miss his fall turkey hunt. He sacrificed the opportunity. Just so you know he hasn't killed an Arizona turkey yet. He kept busy doing odd jobs for my sisters and found a few more things to fix at mom and dad's. Weather wasn't always so wonderful!

This particular day he was cold, bored and grumpy!

However, the wild Iowa turkeys came up and visited him....

as well as the deer.

Dining in fine style with sisters Peg and Jane.

He was also entertained by watching a gopher dig new holes but this pic is the guy caught in the trap and still wiggling!

In the meantime mom's surgery got changed from Oct 6th to Oct 7 but on the 5th was the pre-op appointment day so back to LaCrosse for those. The process could have been streamlined by an hour or so but I maintained a professional attitude!

This was peak fall colors time in northeast Iowa, which we hadn't seen for many years.

One day JB watched the neighbor combine the beans. He took many more pics but I'll just post one for your viewing pleasure. This activity drove the bugs out of the field and into the RV (called a "camper" in Iowa). Millions of Asian beetles that look like lady bugs and boxelder bugs were everywhere. In fact we were still killing them inside the camper weeks later. I'm sure we illegally transported some across state lines.

So mom's surgery went well on the 7th. She was lucky enough to have the same surgeon who did her heart surgery last year. We were also lucky enough to be able to have one of the free guest rooms for the entire time she was in the hospital. Following the hospital stay, she went to the local Waukon hospital for a week of recovery time, therapy and pampering.

I must add at the age of 82, she has decided to retire. I'd say it's about time but she enjoyed being the bookkeeper and the social director at my brother's Goodyear store. Dad at the age of 83 has been instructed by his doctor to cut back to part-time so he's coming home at noon and resting his weary bones after also working at Goodyear!

Since I had a lot of time on my hands, I got to be creative and do many craft sell.

I'm sure you all know about the Iowa Hawkeyes. This is a bib that I designed and sold.

The other Iowa team is the Iowa State Cyclones.

Sold many items in my sister's quilt shop. In fact, from the time we left home Aug 9 to the time we left Iowa on Oct 16th, I sold $582 of "stuff". Pretty good, huh?

I assisted my sisters in displaying some of their old wall hangings etc to downsize their inventory and make a few bucks. By the time we left, their walls and ceiling in the shop was covered with great projects and prices that would be steals for the right buyer. (And by the way, they're selling)!

With mom doing good, we left Iowa on Sunday, Oct 16th. Need to be home for the deer hunt on the 28th. I'm sure that will be the next post!